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Meditation: Hurry Up And Slow Down!

Meditation, in my opinion, is one of the best things you can do for yourself – it’s that powerful. Meditation is such a potentially alien word so let me dispel two popular myths:

- You don’t have to DO anything in meditation. Meditation, in its purest form, is simply being still inside. Meditation is simply being.

- You won’t stop thinking just because you meditate – so don’t try! Thoughts will always come, but meditation brings fewer, quieter thoughts and teaches you to detach from your thoughts and ‘watch’ them from a position of serenity. It is definitely not necessary to go into a ‘trance state’ in order to meditate – or in order to feel its benefits.

Together with this truth exercise, meditation is hands-down the most important tool in my life. Why? Here are some of the benefits from my own personal experience; meditation helps me to feel the following feelings:

- calmer and more relaxed - more confident - more serene - more energised - more grounded and present - more positive - healthier - greater ability to deal with stresses - clearer - happier!

In order to meditate, simply allow yourself to be. Sit on the floor cross-legged or in a chair with feet flat on the floor, spine as straight as is comfortable, and breathe. Focus on your breath. I find 11 minutes to be a really good length of time that sets me up for the day; do what you can.

Slow down...get still!

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